Teaching People how to Draw Camels on Camelback Mountain

by phil on February 25, 2011

in Camel Drawing

I had the pleasure of running a camel drawing seminar on top of Camelback Mountain (located in Phoenix, Arizona) today. Normally, I offer such workshops at a price of $2,899 per person (at a minimum). But these coaching sessions are free on top of Camelback. I may also offer you a free session if you ask nicely, and agree spread the word the about the how to draw camels project.

Meet Fred and Amy, a very friendly couple from St. Louis, Missouri. We had a nice chat about camels and my mission to highlight social enterprises in West Africa. Then we got down to business.

I want to give a special thank you to Dana for the excellent cinematography.

If you have not picked up your copy of the How to Draw Camels Ebook, you can do so here. You pick the amount you want to pay; 50% of profits go towards social enterprises in West Africa.

Also, I would like to let you know of a deal going on in the How to Draw Camels Store. If you enter in the following coupon codes, you will receive at least 20% off your order. This deal is valid until Sunday, February 27th. While I only make a small profit from each merchandise sale, the same deal applies – 50% goes towards social enterprises. Here are the coupon codes:

PFBDAY$5 – Save $5 off your subtotal of $25+
PFBDAY$15 – Save $15 off your subtotal of $50+
PFBDAY$35 – Save $35 off your subtotal of $100+

Remember, these coupon codes are only valid until Sunday, February 27th

One Last Thing

The biggest way to show your support for camels, camel drawing, and my mission to showcase social enterprises, is to spread the word about this site. Post it on facebook, tweet about it, tell your friends. I would be very grateful and the world would undoubtedly benefit from increased access to cutting edge camel drawing techniques.

Till next time…

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