June 2011

Still Looking to Celebrate World Camel Day? Here is your Chance.

Thumbnail image for Still Looking to Celebrate World Camel Day? Here is your Chance.

Yesterday was World Camel Day, a time to honor nature’s greatest gift to mankind and the planet. In light of the occasion, I shared a number of world class camel resources and delivered at least one irresistible offer. That offer(s) is still on the table. World Camel Day was also a time for me to […]

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Interview with El Hadji Beye of SocEnt Water Africa

Thumbnail image for Interview with El Hadji Beye of SocEnt Water Africa

For a few months now, I have been conversing with El Hadji Beye on twitter (@hadjibeye). I got in touch with him to get some travel info on Senegal and to practice my bambara. As the conversation progressed, I realized he was doing some very meaningful work in rural Senegal. Using his engineering background, he […]

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A Women’s Farming Cooperative in Bamako and a Water Problem

I have spent several days now at an urban women’s farming cooperative here in Bamako. The co-op consists of 23 women who work their own plots of land, primarily growing vegetables to eat and sell. They use a number of shared resources, like water basins, and there is microloan system in place to purchase communal […]

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