To All the Camel Drawers and Supporters of this Project, Thank You!

by phil on July 12, 2011

in Camel Drawing,Gallery,Social Enterprise

I am now back in the states, recovering from jet lag and already thinking about when I will go back to Mali. Lots of posts are in the works: my time with Project Muso, shadowing one of their community health workers, a visit to the Mali Health Organizing Project, and lots more interviews and video.

An enormous thank you to everyone that contributed to the women’s farming cooperative. If you bought the book then you have a post card with a camel drawing coming your way. I only received one drawn camel, however, which was disappointing. I made a pledge to donate $1 for every drawn camel I was sent (see the original post). I still donated the $50 I had set aside, but it would have been nice to see some more reader participation. The money raised will go a ways towards repair work needed for the co-op’s water system. One reader and friend was also able to put me in touch with Sahel Eco, an NGO that works with water-related issues and they were able to lend their expertise to the co-op in order to figure out how to best resolve the water situation.

Even if you did not contribute with a donation or by drawing a camel, thank you for spreading the word!! Here is Franziska’s wonderful camel, undoubtedly the most artistic and creative drawing I have received so far! Thank you Franziska!

Lots to come! Stay tuned…

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